12 month update


I’m a few weeks late to this post but I wanted to wait until Ellery had her 12 Month appointment so I could record all her stats.

Some facts about our growing nugget:

  • She took her first steps at 11 months but really began walking steadily at about 11 1/2 months.
  • She loves to snuggle with us and with Sophie
  • She has 4 teeth (two on top and two on the bottom)
  • She chats a lot but no words other than dada.
  • She can sign “more”, “please”, “milk” and we are working on “water” now.
  • Ellery loves to take dirty laundry out of the hamper. She is also an expert “unfolder” of the clean laundry.


  • She loves to hold our hand and will reach out when she wants it.
  • Ellery points when she wants things and usually makes some sort of whine and grunt to get our attention.
  • We are working on weaning from the bottle but Ellery still loves to be held in our arms and fed her milk (which we sneaky still love). By next week there will be no more bottles and no real necessity for milk (we are giving Ellery goat milk in leu of cows milk, FYI)

She loves apples!


Halloween on Bleeker Street!

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

She still loves the swings!

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Pre-12 month appointment at TriBeca Pediatrics. Loving the play kitchen!


Post shots lollipop from her doctor-she’s never had one before! It definitely helped distract from the pain!



Weight: 22lbs (77%)

Height: 30.3 (77%)

Head: 46.8 (88%)

Healthy + Happy!

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