I can’t believe I am 5 1/2 months today! A few more weeks and I will be headed straight into the third trimester.
Baby Size: The baby is about 11″ long and almost a full pound in weight! The fruit comparison this week is a papaya.
Fun Facts: The baby will be growing more fat each week and now looks like an actual baby (just a really small baby). The baby’s eyes and lips are more defined. CLL is now sleeping in cycles of about 12-14 hours at a time.
How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling good this week-though slightly large 🙂 My growing belly seems to be getting larger and larger, which is good news but also scary! I want to gain weight at a healthy pace and it seems to have come on slightly strong these past two weeks. I have to watch my portions and continue my regular gym visits.
CLL has continued to kick up a storm. This week I’ve noticed that when I’m sitting and he/she is kicking I can actually see my stomach moving! If the kicks are this strong now, I’m slightly nervous as to how they are going to be when the baby gets bigger!
My back aches are becoming more frequent but thanks to prenatal yoga and some back massages from Mach they aren’t too too bad-at least for now.
We met with a doulalast week and after some consideration have hired her! It feels good to have that lined up. One less thing on the to-do list! She’s great and has attended over 400 births over the past 10 years. I have no doubt we will be in great hands.
This past weekend Mach and I spent some time adding some details into the nursery. We won’t be getting a crib right away-partly because of space restrictions and partly because the baby will be co-sleeping with us in our bedroom in abassinetfor the first several months. So, the nursery mostly consists of a bed, a changing table and a closet for baby clothes and extras! We still want it to feel special so we put up some birch tree appliques on the painted gray wall. We are sticking with a fairly basic color scheme of yellow, gray and white.