With the weather finally getting nicer and warmer, we are spending a lot more time outside exploring. We’ve been back and forth from CT a few times and Grammie was here staying with us for a few days too. We LOVE having Grammie visit because it allows me to get some work done and Elle Belle gets lots of extra snuggles.
Ellery was also baptized on the 29th, which was wonderful. We didn’t make a big hoopla out of it, but instead kept it to immediate family. My Sister, Jess and my Brother in law, Brian, are her God Parents and it was great to have that special day with them.
Here are some of the latest photos:
Pretty good looking god-parents if you ask me!
a day in the park with Grammie!
loving the new Uppa baby stroller that will stay in CT!
Meeting Jenny’s horse, Sprout!
playing outside in the grass in CT.
taking a dry bath while Mom showers!