I am 5 weeks and 7 days today. Tomorrow I will be 6 weeks.
Two days ago I had a little scare. I have been having lots of cramping these past two weeks, which I read was normal in every pregnancy book I ran out and bought when I found out I was pregnant as well as everything I’ve googled. That being said, when M and I told my Mom the big news this past Sunday, she was concerned about the cramping. When Mom is concerned, I become concerned. So, two days ago, I was resting a bit while I was having some cramping and then went to the bathroom and noticed some bright red blood (just a very very very little). Because I am new at this and even if I wasn’t-I freaked out. I called M at work and he rushed home. I immediately called every Doctors office that I had been trying to make an appointment with to see if I could get some guidance. Luckily, one of my attempts was successfull. I am guessing they heard the terror in my voice or my attempt to hold back massive tears. It was just too much and I wasn’t sure I was ready to hear any bad news.
Fast forward a couple of hours, we were at the doctor and had an internal ultrasound to check everything out. And guess what? There the little tadpolish baby was, totally okay and doing everything he is supposed to. On top of that, we were able to see a little line moving up and down. The doctor explained that it was our Baby’s heart! She didn’t think we’d be able to hear it but we gave it a try anyways and sure enough-we could hear the heartbeat. It was exactly what I needed and we felt elated. M was excited and happy to see me feeling so relieved. He patted some sweat off his forehead and we got dressed to meet with the doctor. I was instructed to go about my daily activity but to take it easy this week to be safe, no working out and come back in a week.
I am just focusing on getting some work done each day, going to all my meetings as per usual and keeping myself stress free.
I am definitely eating a touch more than usual-maybe not more in quantity, but more often. I find my normal yogurt and berries morning routine has been replaced with whole wheat vegan waffles with berries and some vermont syrup, which is such a surprise to me since I am not a sweets breakfast girl.
My Mom, Dad, Sister and her Fiance, Brian now know the news, which has been so nice. Although it was nice to have a week or so to let it sink it for M and me, it’s nice to be able to tell my family how I am feeling.
I am going to attempt to blog at least once a week through this process, maybe more.