6 Weeks: Things I Miss…

today I’m 6 weeks, 5 days.

I thought I’d start this post with a few things that I am currently missing and learning to live without (surprise, surprise, they are mostly food items):

-runny eggs

-raw milk cheeses

-a full nights sleep (peeing and cramps are keeping me up-maybe prep for what’s to come)?

-tuna fish (I wasn’t a huge eater of this but for some reason I’m craving it like no other)

-getting my hair highlights! (am waiting until I am out of the first trimester to be safe:)

My close friends know how much runny eggs and cheese mean to me-but nothing is more important than this little labinski growing inside of me…so for now it’s scrambled eggs and lots of pasturized dairy 🙂

we spent this past weekend celebrating M’s 30th birthday. it was filled with lots of love, eating and drinking (well, not me drinking but everyone else)! My sister, Jess and her fiance, Brian came down to visit for the long weekend and to help us celebrate. We met friends out a local bar called The Rusty Knot. It was quite hard to pretend that I was drinking the entire night-especially for my close girl friends who kept buying me drinks. Luckily, I had Jess and Brian to make some smooth moves and swap out the drinks when need be! I mean, how great is it to have a sister!?

We ate brunch at Bubby’s in Tribeca and dinner at Marlow & Sons on Sunday-lots o’ food. I definitely added an extra pound or two to my newly pregnant body!

M and I had another appointment at the OB-GYN today. We had another ultra sound! Man, I love those things. We heard the heart beat again, and it sounded even more strong and wonderful. The heart rate was 135. I don’t REALLY know what that means except our doctor said it was strong and I felt good. They keep reassuring me that my intense cramps are totally normal and that I need to keep hydrated and rest when needed. The good news I got was that I can exercise now (I wasn’t before because I had some spotting). This is such exciting news-I have missed my time at the gym, sweating and listening to music. Tomorrow will be the day I head back!

I think I may have found a dress for my sister’s wedding. I really have no clue how big I am going to be but I am guessing pretty large by the end of July. I will be entering my 3rd trimester, which is also the time they typically recommend no traveling overseas, but I plan to take very good care of myself, especially on the plane. The dress is a Badgley Mischka. It’s the perfect color and it’s pretty much shapeless (well, it’s called trapeze style). I am crossing my fingers and hoping and praying that it works. Only time will tell!

Here is a photo of M and me in the waiting room at the doctor today-I’m trying to get more photos of just the two of us through this process. He is good at taking the photos of me but I want him in them too!

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