7 weeks & our first picture!

I am 7 weeks today.

Although some days feel like time is at a stand still, other times I can’t believe there are only 231 more days until the baby arrives! (or so my Baby Bump app on my phone tells me)!

As I mentioned in my last post, we went to the doctor and had the first ultra sound where they printed a photo for us!

It’s crazy how tiny it is in there yet already changing so much in our lives. Exciting and scary all at once!

Cramps have seemed to subside a little, which is a relief but sleeping is getting more and more uncomfortable. I can only imagine how much more difficult it will get. I ordered a pregnancy pillow from Amazon yesterday and cannot wait for it to come. It will most likely take up a whole lot of room in the bed, but M says he doesn’t mind. What a good guy 🙂

Off to do some work and also a workout at the gym. After being away from the gym these past few weeks, yesterday proved to be a lot more difficult than I thought. Just easing back into it slowly.

I am also thinking of our little Sophie Goose who is CT and suffering from an injured knee. We will head to CT tomorrow night to comfort her and I might be up there awhile if she needs surgery. She is such a good dog but a little too active for her own good sometimes. Fingers crossed her ACL isn’t torn!

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