9 Months / I turned 30

I am a week late to post Ellery’s 9 month update, but I am giving myself an out since it was my 30th birthday this past weekend! We celebrated with a beautiful dinner my husband put together at Barbuto in NYC followed by some celebrations up in Cape Cod. It was wonderful!



Ellery has grown up so much this past month. She is crawling everywhere (using one of her legs to do the scooting) and pulling herself up on anything that she can get her hands on. It’s amazing to watch her get stronger and stronger.

me and elle 9 months (1)

me and elle 9 months (2)

me and elle 9 months

me and elle 3

at 9 months Ellery LOVES:

-crawling/pulling herself up onto things (she started doing this around 8.5 months old)

-eating! She loves eating fish, her grains, goat cheese, pasta and tomato sauce, scrambled eggs and hummus! We’ve been sharing smoothies and homemade popsicles too! She loves being able to pick up food and feed herself. We’ve also been using the sippy cup as well as a regular cup to introduce drinking out of instead of just the bottle all the time.

-giggling! She loves playing hide and seek and will even sit in her crib and play by herself if there is a blanket or two in there during her nap.

-swimming in the pool. She loves floating around in her turtle float kicking her legs. We are hoping to start official swim lessons in the fall.

-music! Elle belle LOVES LOVES LOVES music and dancing. We play raffi daily as well as any other fun music on our iPhones. She will sit and sway and dance the second the music starts playing.

-chatting. She is babbling away…still saying dada clearly but no sign of mama yet! We are working on it!

-waving and clapping are her new favorite things to do. She understands when we ask her to wave and if you say “yah, ellery!” she will clap!

-baby kisses! She will give baby kisses (with a little tongue usually) when she is in the mood and it’s the most divine kiss you’ll ever get. It makes my heart melt.


Sharing lunch with me! Peach/tomato salad with some black quinoa + feta.


Music class!









Spinning on the floor + peekaboo with the dish towels makes for a fun activity!


I took full advantage of this cuddle time. It doesn’t get much better than this.


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