Exercise Post-Baby


(above picture taken at Karma Kids Yoga)

I don’t think I read one book, blog, etc… when I was pregnant that actually spelled out the words clearly and simply, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET TO THE GYM AS MANY TIMES AS YOU USED TO PRE-BABY. Or, you will not be able to go to the gym AT ALL! So, when I was cleared to start working out again after I gave birth to Elle-Belle, it suddenly hit me, how and when is this working out supposed to happen? I was still figuring out the whole breastfeeding + supplementing with a bottle thing, which meant I needed to be available whenever she wanted to eat and to top that I was beyond exhausted. Not only did I not know how to find the time to workout (between Mach being at work and school) and then Elle needing me, but I was so tired that any free minutes I had I just wanted to relax, sleep or simply breathe.

I belong to a ridiculously nice gym in the West Village, called Equinox. There actually aren’t too many big gyms in my neighborhood in my defense and when I worked at Conde Nast we had an awesome discount so the membership all made sense. I mean, I have celebrity sightings every time I’m there. Last time I was there Cameron Diaz was working out right in front of me! That alone justifies the price to me 🙂

But in all seriousness, working out needs to be happening a lot more often than a few times a month to shed this baby weight!

I’ve always counted on working out to counteract the fact that I love great food. I love to cook, I love to eat and I love the entire experience of dining out. As a family, we love to try new restaurants and I don’t want to miss out on those experiences because of some radical, fad diet to “shed the 30lbs in 30 days”. It took 10 months to grow a baby and with that came a little extra baby weight that I know will come off with time (although I wish it would happen just a litttttle bit faster since bathing suit season is here).

Alas, I have had to find other ways to workout that included the baby. Now that the weather is nice, long walks have been great, but I personally need variety to keep interested. I thought I’d give a list of the places here in NYC that are babe friendly and can get all the new momma’s out there a good sweat!


Karma Kids Yoga– GREAT Mommy and Baby classes such as yoga and Pilates offered daily! Totally welcoming of babies 6 weeks old through new walkers.

Prenatal Yoga Center-I’ve blogged about the PYC a TON because I love it so much, but I live in the West Village and it’s gotten harder and harder to just bop to the Upper West Side for a class. It ends up taking up my entire morning/afternoon. They have amazing classes for not only Mommy and Me yoga but for Prenatal, Postnatal, etc…

Baby Body Bootcamp-Now that the weather is nice, the outdoor activities can begin! I am loving the Mommy boot camp class down in Battery Park. There is another class currently being offered at Christopher Street that is notaffiliatedwith this company but still amazing. Email me if you want more details on this Christopher Street class.

Fit 4 Mom-I haven’t taken any of these classes yet but have heard positive reviews from other new Moms. These are offered in many different cities so I definitely urge you to search for stroller workout classes close to you.


(above picture taken at an indoor stroller fitness class in Boston)

Workout DVDs: I bought two workouts on Apple TV during the winter. I can’t say I was too dedicated to them, but they were definitely a great option during nap time when the weather was crummy and I just needed to do something!

Tracey AndersonIf you can handle looking at her amazing body the entire time, go for it! Just kidding! She’s motivating to watch and if you do her DVD regularly then I am sure you will see results.


Jillian Michaels 30 Minute Workouts-She breaks the workouts down into small sections so that you can do them at different times without missing a beat.

Whatever you choose to do, you are already on the right track if you’re even thinking about getting up and moving. It’s hard being a new mom, so cut yourself some slack and take a moment to realize that your body just did an incredible thing and will take time to get back to where you were pre-pregnancy. I have to tell myself this on a daily basis.



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