33 weeks

Baby Size: CLL is about 4.2lbs and measuring around 17.2 inches. The fruit comparison is a pineapple!

Fun Facts:The baby is now keeping his/her eyes open while awake as well as learning to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. S/he might grow an inch just this week!

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling okay. No real complaints other than feeling big and not sure if that’s normal or not! I know I should be growing but I feel like my tummy is big for 33 weeks! I am hoping I start to plateau at some point soon so that I can adjust and enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy. I think being out-of-town and away from my yoga routine isn’t helping! I’ve been walking daily but it’s just not the same as a good workout at the gym and a nice stretch at yoga.

Since Mach and I are approaching the 34th week, when we will be having our “big” meeting with our Doula, Terry, we’ve begun to finalize our “wishes” for the birth. We are well aware that we need to be flexible and open but we do want to have a plan in place for different situations should they arise. We want Terry to be familiar with our wishes so that she can help us communicate them to the doctors and nurses at the hospital-after all, that’s a big part of why we’ve asked her to be a part of this experience. I should mention that we have not gone through our list with Terry yet so there might be some changes to this birth wish list since she has the most experience dealing with our hospital, but we don’t plan on changing things based on comments from family and friends (sorry, guys)! I did want to share it for those of you that are curious with our birth “plan” and I am definitely open to talking about it or answering any questions!

Birth Plan/Wish List

Laboring at Home:

  • I‚Äôd like to stay at home with my Doula, Terry and Maciej there with me for as long as it’s safe and comfortable.
  • I‚Äôd like to keep myself hydrated and fueled with light snacks and water throughout labor. (snacks to include coconut water, bananas & crackers with almond butter)
  • I would like to be encouraged to move into as many positions as possible for optimal pelvis opening and baby movement.
  • I‚Äôd like for my coaches to use encouraging words about strength, etc… and to remind me that natural birth is possible.
  • I‚Äôd like lots of photos taken to remember the day even if they are just for Mach and me.
  • I‚Äôd like to listen to music on my iPod/iPad (the mix Mach has made for labor/delivery).

At The Hospital:

  • I prefer not to be offered pain medication or an epidural at any time.
  • I want to be free to move or walk around as much as possible (if monitoring is necessary, I’d like it to be intermittent monitoring)
  • I‚Äôd like to wear my own clothes until I feel like changing into a hospital gown.
  • I‚Äôd like to get in the shower if that makes me feel better.
  • I would like to avoid an episiotomy as much as possible and if I am going to tear I’d like it to happen naturally. I do not want to be cut.
  • I do not want my water broken unless absolutely required.
  • If my labor goes beyond a day and/or Terry and I feel I would benefit from a rest, epidural discussion can begin.

Delivery + Postpartum

  • I would like skin-to-skin contact upon birth on my chest and plenty of time thereafter.
  • I‚Äôd like to try nursing right after birth (or very quickly after the necessary measurements have been taken).
  • In the event of a C-section, I‚Äôd like Maciej to be with the baby as soon as possible and have the baby be skin to skin with him.
  • I would like to allow time for the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is cut so the baby gets all remaining cord blood.
  • I would like Machto cut the umbilical cord.
  • I would like Mach to be the one to announce the baby’s gender.
  • I‚Äôd like to have the baby‚Äôs first bath in the room and participate if possible.
  • I‚Äôd like to postpone the eye drop antibiotics for several hours if possible.
  • If it’s a boy, I do not want him circumcised.
  • I‚Äôd like to spend as much time with my baby as possible during my hospital stay.
It would be nice for everything to go smoothly but I know that it might not, and that’s okay. The most important thing is to keep the baby and me as healthy as possible!

32 weeks (8 months)

Poolside baby bump!

It’s funny how I never realized when I wasn’t pregnant that when a gal is 8 months pregnant, she is NOTabout to give birth. Despite what I may look like (big bump) 32 weeks is still quite a ways away from when I will give birth. Chances are great that I probably won’t even go into labor on my due date. Most first time Moms go into labor about a week after their due date. So, the 2 month countdown begins…

Baby Size: CLL is weighing around 3.75lbs and about 16.7″ in length. The fruit comparison this week is a squash!

Fun Facts: The baby is beginning to shed the soft lanugo hair covering his/her body. Over the next few weeks CLL’s real hair will become soft and smooth. At this point, due to pigmentation from more melanin production, any hair on the baby’s head will have color!

How I’m Feeling: I am feeling pretty good! My only complaint is sleeping. I am having trouble adjusting to the baby getting bigger and every night deciding to dance on my bladder every few hours. I am definitely up at least 4 times/night to go to the bathroom. I am hoping this will change, but in the meantime I think it’s definitely getting me ready for the long nights ahead with the babe 🙂

In other news, I’ve been feeling in a rut with my diet and cooking. I am usually on my own for dinner as Mach has school, so coming up with new and fun ideas (that are also re-heatable friendly) has been interesting. I eat seafood but don’t typically cook it unless I can get it super fresh the day I plan to make it. Yesterday, I came upon a recipe in Bon Appetit while at the Dermatologists office and I felt excited to try it. I had some local corn in the fridge that I needed to cook (I mean…how can you not love corn this time of year, especially if it’s grown locally). So, I picked up a few of the remaining ingredients I needed (only a few) and cooked it for dinner. It was delish and totally vegetarian friendly. For my vegan friends out there-just leave out the cheese and it’s just as good!

Here is the recipe:

NOTE: I forgot basil, so my picture doesn’t look quite as pretty as the one featured on the Bon Appetit website 🙂


Corn Purée

  • 1 1/2cupsfresh corn kernels
  • 1/2cupminced onion
  • 1tablespoonolive oil
  • Fine sea salt
  • 2cups(or more) vegetable broth


  • 2cups(or more) vegetable broth
  • 1cupregular or semi-pearled farro
  • Fine sea salt
  • 3tablespoonsolive oil
  • 1/2cupminced red onion
  • 1/3cup1/4″ cubes red or yellow bell pepper
  • 1cupfresh corn kernels (cut from 1 ear)
  • 1cupfinely grated Parmesan
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2cupchopped tomato
  • 2tablespoonschopped fresh basil
  • Corn Pur√©e

    • Combine corn, onion, oil, and a pinch of salt in a medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened and translucent, 6‚Äì7 minutes (do not brown). Add 2 cups broth, increase heat to high, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer gently, uncovered, until corn is softened and cooked through and liquid is reduced by half, 20‚Äì25 minutes. Let cool slightly. Transfer mixture to a blender and pur√©e until smooth (when pur√©eing hot liquids, start with the lid slightly ajar to release steam; cover with a kitchen towel to catch any splatters).
    • Strain pur√©e through a sieve into a 2-cup heatproof measuring cup. Add more broth, if needed, to measure 1 1/3 cups. Set aside.


    • Bring 2 cups broth, farro, a pinch of salt, and 1 cup water to a simmer a large saucepan. Cook until farro is tender, 30‚Äì45 minutes (semi-pearled farroer will cook faster than regular). Drain; return to pot.
    • Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion and cook until just beginning to soften, about 3 minutes. Add bell pepper and corn and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables begin to brown, about 5 minutes longer; keep warm.
    • Add corn pur√©e to farro and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally and adding more broth by 1/4-cupfuls if dry, until farrotto is very creamy, 5‚Äì6 minutes. Stir in cheese. Season with salt and pepper.
    • Stir tomatoes and basil into vegetables.
    • Divide farrotto among bowls. Top with vegetable mixture, dividing equally. Serve immediately.

Hope you all try it and enjoy it as much as I did!


31 Weeks and a large BUMP!

Mach thought it would be funny to make me pose for this photo along the side of the road last weekend-I was less than enthused…but happy to now have a fun photo for the blog!

Baby Size: CLL is about 16″ in length, give or take and weighing about 3.3lbs. The fruit comparison this week is a pineapple!

Fun Facts: All five senses are now in working order! Our baby’s iris’ can now react to light too.

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling heavy-and I know it’s not even the worst of it! I think the heat combined with my growing tummy is making it a little tougher to do normal things. I don’t think I am waddling yet, thank goodness, but I’ve definitely found myself slowing my pace slightly and taking more breaks during walks/workouts when needed.

We had a doctor’s appointment this morning. It was the last 3 week appointment. We will now have to go there every 2 weeks for another 2 weeks, followed by weekly appointments. Mach and I were surprised this morning when our doctor told us she was going to do a mini ultrasound to check the baby’s position, etc…we were excited since we definitely didn’t expect to have one today! It was hard to see everything clearly-she hid the bottom of the baby so as to not give anything away, but honestly I don’t think I would’ve known one way or another. Everything is just so blurry! I think the best part was her showing me where the baby is in relation to what I have been feeling. I thought the baby’s feet were high above my belly button and the big lump I am always touching, turns out it’s his/her bum! CLL is curled in a ball (head down!) with the arms and head up against my uterine wall and feet out towards my right side. That would explain the other kicks! Dr. Dobrenis is pretty sure he/she will stay head down for the remainder of the stay, which makes me happy! Here are two photos, one of the profile (hard to see because it’s smushed against my uterine wall) and a view of one of the feet from the bottom. We saw all 5 toes 🙂


I asked the doctor about the size of the baby and at first she responded that everything seemed totally average size but then she decided to measure the leg and head. The legs are measuring about a week larger and the head is measuring as if I was 33 weeks! She still seems convinced we are going to have a tall baby! We shall see soon enough.

She asked if we had made a decision about what we would do if we ended up with a boy-circumciseor not? Mach and I had talked about this awhile ago and decided we would not becircumcision. I have done a lot of reading and research about it. It is a completely personal decision for every couple, but since there is absolutely no medical benefit to having it done (basically it’s a cosmetic procedure) and we don’t have any religious reasons for doing so, we have decided we will leave it untouched. I just thought I’d share that little tidbit in case anyone was curious.

30 Weeks (and lots of traveling)

time is FLYING by…10 more weeks to go (give or take)!

Baby Size: CLL is now about 15.5″ in length and weighing about 3lbs (rough estimates). The vegetable comparison this week is a cucumber.

Fun Facts: Baby skin is smoothing out and the brain is getting more wrinkly as it matures with lots of new brain tissue. CLL can now use his/her fingers to grasp onto things as it’s getting stronger day by day!

How I’m Feeling: TIRED! This past week has been filled with so many amazing, exciting emotions. My Sister, Jess got married in Ireland this past weekend and we were there about 5 days prior for prep (as I was the planner of the wedding) and then Mach and I traveled to Dublin after for a few days to see some sites. Between working and trying to make it the best wedding imaginable AND adjusting to new beds, new time zones, etc…I am just a bit tired! I think it might also have to do with the fact that it’s finally settling in that I need to slow down a touch. The third trimester is definitely a period of adjustment and my growing belly is making that more apparent. I had wonderful support from all the family and friends that were there for Jess and Brian’s big weekend-lots of lovely comments and compliments, which is always nice to receive when you are trying to dress up a big belly! It was an amazing trip and we were truly blessed with STUNNING weather throughout the entire wedding weekend. The locals couldn’t believe how lucky we were. I can’t wait to share the professional photos and video from StillMotion with everyone.

Here are some photos from the trip (most are from instagram and I don’t have many others since I was running around quite a bit):

Prior to the wedding, Dad and Jess took a Father/Daughter helicopter ride around Ireland for some quality time! It was amazing. They picked them up right at our hotel.

After the Wedding, Mach and I went to Dublin for a few days-Mach drank enough Guinness for the both of us (and some Jameson too)!

Mach was exciting when we visited Trinity College Dublin. Here he is pointing to the sign that was up at the Gravity Bar at the Guinness storehouse.

We toured the Jameson Distillery, which was a lot of fun. I was definitely okay NOT tasting anything 🙂

Fake sipping a Guinness for Mach’s photo op-

Not the greatest photo-but one of the few we managed to take at the wedding. This is just prior to getting on the ferry to head over to Dromquinna for the reception!

And in baby news-I purchased this AMAZING onesie from a website I love called Alder & Co. Turns out this company is located here in NYC and I could have just bopped down to SoHo to get. Nevertheless, I am obsessed with this onesie and if they weren’t so pricey I would buy 10 more. Here is a link to where you can find more of their clothes.http://www.makieclothier.com/ The material isunbelievablesoft and breathable. The cut is very forgiving so that you can put your baby in it at various stages. It’s almost like a little kimono.

28 Weeks/7 Months

Officially in the 3rd Trimester!

Baby Size:CLL is still hovering around 13.6-14.8″ in length but now is weighing in at 2.5lbs! The fruit comparison this week is an eggplant.

Fun Facts: Our little babe is growing lots more fat and his/her wrinkly skin is beginning to smooth out. His/her lungs are mature enough to survive if s/he was born now-whoa.

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling pretty good. I woke up this morning with a crook in my neck, which isn’t the most pleasant (happy birthday to me) feeling, but I think it has to do with how I slept last night. I’m adjusting to my growing belly and continuing with prenatal yoga and some trips to the gymin between. Mach and I had our childbirth education class this past weekend, which was great. Although I felt like most of it was areiterationof everything I’ve already read, it was good to hear again. I also think it was good for Mach because he hasn’t had the luxury of reading as much as I have these past few months. They took us through everything-and I mean everything! From laboring at home to medical interventions to what we will go through during our post-natal time. I highly recommend this class at the Prenatal Yoga Center. I have signed up for a breastfeeding class (I’m letting Mach out of this one) for late September and then we will be set for classes until the little babe arrives! Below is a photo of Mach (with a 4lb baby doll) demonstrating the baby moving through the model of the female pelvis.

I had my 28 week appointment yesterday with my doctor who was very confident that other than the compression socks and possibly bringing a tennis ball for massage, the trip should be easy breezy! To be safe, we are going to make sure we know where the closest hospital is to where we will be staying. During my appointment I was also tested for gestational diabetes. I had to drink a not so awful sugary drink and then wait an hour to get my blood drawn. I don’t know the results yet but I’m hoping all is okay. It’s just a complication that I’d like to not have to worry about!

We are off to Ireland on Monday for my Sister, Jess’s wedding. There is still a lot of little odds and ends to tie up in the next few days-packing alone is going to be interesting! So, I will be off the radar for the next few weeks!


Heading into the 3rd Trimester: 27 Weeks

This week marks the last week in my 2nd Trimester. I am headed directly into the home stretch…and it feels good!

Baby Size: CLL is about 13.6-14.8″ in length and most likely hovering around 2ish lbs+. The fruit comparison this week is a rutabaga!

Fun Facts: This week, brain activity isoccurringand will become more complex as the weeks progress. Our baby is busy practicing inhaling and exhaling.

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling BIG! I think it’s all set in, finally. My clothes are really getting snug, even some of my early maternity gear. I’ve also begun to experience some lower back pain on my left side. Not sure if that has to do with the fact that the baby seems to have gotten very comfortable hanging solely on my right side but my yoga instructor thinks I might be developing some S.I. pain (pain in theSacroiliacJoint). So, I’m taking some precautions when I’m practicing certain yoga poses.

Mach and I are off to our Childbirth Education class this weekend at the Prenatal Yoga Center. We are excited to get some more knowledge under our belts and an added bonus is that it’s being taught by our doula!

I’ll leave you with some photos of some new purchases (and a couple of gifts) for CLL.

The baby closet is starting to feel a little more full! I haven’t decided what will get folded in the dresser and what will get hung, but for now everything looks cute on the baby hangers.

How adorable are these little turtles!?

We are going to need a lot more of these, but I couldn’t resist the little elephants!

CLL’s very first Cuffy’s sweatshirt from G&G Watts 🙂

I’m obsessed with this aden + anais sleep sac from Auntie Coco…I wish they made one in adult size!

26 weeks & some baby bump snapshots

Baby Size: Baby weight is around 2lbs give or take and about 14″ in length. The veggie comparison this week is a head of lettuce!

Fun Facts: This week the baby’s eyes are forming and will soon start to open. His/her eyelashes are now grown too! CLL is busy soaking up antibodies to help prepare him/her for life on the outside!

How I’m Feeling: This past week has been busy. Between a friend’s wedding in Philly and July 4th, the baby has been exposed to LOTS of new sounds. Mach and I are at the Cape now, soaking in the sun and trying to do as much relaxing as possible. The bump is growing faster and faster and sometimes I’m not even sure I have a whole 3 months + left for growing! Finally, some photos below that include me and the bump!






25 Weeks and some cute baby faces!


How can you even resist this face!? This is my friend, Caitlyn’s little boy, Quinn. He happens to be the little brother of the ever famous Wyatt (pictured below). My girl friends and I weren’t sure there could be a baby as cute as Wyatt and then Cait and Mike had Quinn and our hearts melted all over again!

Today marks the start of my 25th week. 3 more weeks left of my 2nd trimester!

Baby Size:CLL is now about 13.6″ long (more on this later) and maybe closing in around 2lbs give or take. The fruit comparison this week is a cauliflower.

Fun Facts: I was shocked to learn that my uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball! I guess that explains the sudden feeling that my tummy is very big! CLL is gaining a sense of equilibrium this week and can tell whether he/she is upside down or right side up! S/he is gaining more fat and looking more and more like a little babe.

How I’m Feeling: This week I’ve had some more symptoms pop up-nothing too new or intense but regardless it seems to take some adjusting. Sleeping has been a problem these past few days. I can’t tell if it’s because I have to get up to pee 4 times per night or if I’m hot or if I just can’t get comfortable in general! The heartburn is still there but nothing too severe. I think it’s just something I am going to have to get used to. I might try to take some tums the next time it happens just to see if that helps.

I had an appointment this morning with my doctor. Did I mention how much I love her?! She is just everything I wanted in a doctor and I feel really lucky we made the decision to switch practices early on. She is just so down to earth and realistic without crushing any hopes/dreams. She is incredibly supportive of our wishes for a natural birth and wants to do everything she can to make our plans happen while keeping me and the baby healthy. I can’t say enough good things about her.

Today was the first day that she measured me (with an actual measuring tape). I think I’ve popped out enough for her to feel it necessary to measure 🙂 She said that although I still look fairly “flat” I am measuring closer to the 28th week mark with the height of my bump. She inquired again about my family’s height because she said she thinks we might have a tall baby on our hands (in my belly)! It’s crazy that she can tell all that from simply measuring my stomach height. I scheduled my glucose test for my next appointment in 3 weeks. It will be my last appointment before we leave for Ireland.

This past weekend we were in CT and I was able to spend time with Caitlyn, Quinn & Wyatt as well as our friend Jenny. They came over for a swim on one of the days of the heat wave. It was so nice to have some baby & friend time. Mach even gave Sophie some time in the pool (much to her dismay).

6 months down…

Sunset from the Sesuit Neck Cafe (daily stomping ground)

Today marks the 24th week of my pregnancy.

Time has flown by and it’s only going to go faster from here.

Baby Size: CLL is about 12″ long (give or take) and about 1.25 lbs! Fruit comparison this week is a cantaloupe.

Fun Facts: CLL’s lungs have started secreting surfactants, the substance that keeps the moist interior surface of the lung from sticking together and he or she has begun to practice breathing. CLL’s eyes are now watching for light and it’s ears are listening to my heart beat and my stomach growl.

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling good-no real complaints other than the new feeling of having some minor heartburn, which may have something to do with the change in my prenatal vitamin. I have to ask my Dr. about it next week!

I’ve spent a good chunk of this past week up at the Cape, which was the best decision because of the heat in NYC this week. I’ve managed to stay comfortable even while being outside, while I hear warnings being advised to pregnant woman in New York to stay inside. It’s been nice to get away from the city and take a break. I’ve been able to do work from the Cape and even enjoy some quality time with the family. I have noticed myself checking out all the baby gear at the beach. I can’t believe next summer M and I will have an 8 month old in tow. So exciting!

Morning beach walk with the pups!
Massive paella pan with fresh paella thanks to Dad!