She’s Here!

On October 16th, 2012 at 1:28pm our little Ellery Florence Labinski was born! She was 9lbs 11ounces and 21 3/4″ long and with cheeks for days.

October 16th is a particularly momentous day for several reasons-it was actually the date that Maciej and I started dating. It is also my parent’s wedding anniversary…and now…Ellery’s Birthday!

I am going to write her birth story this weekend but in the meantime I wanted to update the blog with a few photos of our little babe (who decided to take her sweet time to make an appearance 🙂 !

Here are a few photos from the hospital.


Promise to update lots more on her first 10 days of life!

40 weeks

I’ve been waiting for the day when I can say “today is my due date”! Well, that is if I hadn’t given birth already!


Baby Size: We don’t know how big the baby is at this point but we can assume it’s big based on the doctor’s observations. The fruit comparison this week is a jackfruit (although I have NO idea what a jackfruit looks like!) Thanks to for the weekly fruit images!

Fun Facts: Only 5% of women deliver on or before their due date!

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling OKAY. Other than being a bit anxious (this is quite trying on someone who likes to plan pretty much everything in life down to the tee), my only complaint is really feeling pretty uncomfortable almost all the time now. Ever since the baby really dropped into my pelvis I have had a lot of pelvic pain and pressure, which makes getting up and down a little more difficult. The doctor also mentioned that due to the baby still being in the OP position I am probably feeling more uncomfortable than if the baby was in the ideal position. My belly is big and sticks out a lot more on top than on the bottom, which feels very top-heavy!

I had my weekly appointment yesterday and there wasn’t any change in dilation or effacement and like I mentioned, CLL is still in OP position. After my appointment I updated our doula as we do every week and she recommended we take another step to see about trying to encourage the baby to move. She had me call a physical therapist here in NYC who specializes in physical therapy during pregnancy and even encouraging baby’s to move from breech or OP positions to a normal position. They had me come in this morning and it was really interesting. She did a quick evaluation of my spine, pelvis and hip mobility. She determined a few spots that were holding tension or not moving as smoothly as they could/should be and then spent the remainder of the appointment focusing on those spots. She spent some time massaging my lower left hip/upper pelvis area where she said the ligaments were tight and preventing the baby from moving into that area. The baby is very much settled into my right side. She showed me a move that I can do at home to try to encourage the baby to move. The table she was working on me had a whole in it so that I was able to lay down on my belly for the first time in months and months. She then worked on aligning my spine and giving a gentle massage to at the very least make sure my body is completely aligned to make for the smoothest possible labor/delivery (even if the baby is in OP position). For anyone who is experiencing ANY discomfort in their back/pelvis, etc during pregnancy..I HIGHLY recommend researching a place similar to this one. There are solutions to those aches and pains that can benefit not only you but the baby too!

You can check out the place I went to here.

Now that my due date has come (and almost gone) I can let everyone know that we will be sharing the news of the baby’s arrival via email and then once we get a chance will post a photo on the blog as well! I am hoping that this is my last blog post until the baby arrives, but no guarantees!

We will have a non-stress test to check the baby on Monday and then another appointment with our doctor right after. If there are any updates, I will post again!

39 weeks

and no baby yet!

Baby Size: Big! The fruit comparison this week is a watermelon and that feels entirely too accurate. I definitely look like I am carrying around a watermelon on my tummy!

Fun Facts: CLL is able to flex the limbs. S/he is building the layer of fat and slough off the outer layers of skin. The vernix and lanugo are almost gone though there might be a little left on the skin at birth.

How I’m Feeling:I don’t think I really expected the baby to come before the due date but I definitelyhopedit might happen! Everything you read/hear about the last few weeks of pregnancy is spot on. I’ve been so lucky (knock on wood) to have such an uneventful pregnancy that having almost all the pregnancy symptoms come on at once was a bit of a jolt. Sleeping is a novelty at this point and walking-well-let’s just say I am not far from a waddle, though I plan to do everything in my power to avoid the waddle walk.

We had our 39 week doctors appointment this morning. Although I am still only 1cm dilated and 70% effaced, Dr. Dobrenis said the membranes are bulging and she can feel a definite difference from last week. I don’t really know what that means but it seemed to be a positive. We didn’t discuss stripping the membranes, which I was relieved about because we planned to tell her that we weren’t ready for that to happen yet. I think the topic didn’t come up because when she examined my belly she could tell something seemed different. I told her that I felt the baby move around a lot last night so she decided to do a sonogram to check the baby’s position. Turns out our little babe has decided to turn into OP (Occiput Posterior) position, which essentially means the back of the baby’s head is against my lower back. Dr. Dobrenis wasn’t alarmed but definitely told us some tips on things I can do to try and get the baby to move back. I knew exactly what this meant but I wanted to do some additional reading. The problem with having a baby that is “sunny-side up” is that it can cause back labor, which can be extremely painful. It can also cause a variety of other issues in a vaginal delivery. It doesn’t mean a vaginal delivery is no longer an option-but it means that there are other things to be considered if the baby doesn’t turn. Sometimes it can mean acesareandelivery. It’s definitely a good reminder to both Mach and myself that we can plan and plan all we want but our little babe might have a plan of its own!

The good news is that 50% of babies that are in OP position will turn themselves during labor, so no matter what I do now to try and get the baby to turn, it might not make a difference because the baby will turn him/herself once I go into active labor.

In the meantime, I need to spend a lot of time on all fours doing “cat/cow” movements to try to encourage the baby to move. So, if you’re looking for me, you know where to find me!

SpinningBabies.comhas a great write up on this position as well as breech positioning and ideas to get your baby to turn, etc…

38 weeks: Fall is here!

and a baby could be at any point now too!

Baby Size: CLL could be any size at this point…somewhere around 8lbs still? The fruit/veggie comparison is a PUMPKIN! How appropriate! His/her head is now around the same circumference as her abdomen.

Fun Facts: Our baby could have almost an inch of hair at this point (or also have none)! The babe is now shedding most of the vernix covering his/her skin but some will also still be on him/her at birth.

How I’m Feeling: This past week I’ve noticed my energy level has definitely decreased. I just feel slower. I haven’t really changed my daily activities but I am just doing them more slowly. Yoga is still great although it does irritate my SI so I’m taking a few days off and sticking to the elliptical at the gym. Plus, I love listening to my podcasts while I workout.

On Sunday I took a breast-feeding class (Mach got to sit this one out, although he will definitely be heavily involved in the process once the baby actually arrives)!

We got to practice different techniques for holding the baby while breastfeeding as well as an average routine to expect to have the first few weeks the baby is home. I knew breastfeeding was going to be intense, but I don’t think I realized quite how demanding it actually is. I am excited to try it on an actual baby (and not just on the baby doll model)!

We also practiced swaddling (note-the baby doll didn’t look quite so dirty in person):

I had my 38 week appointment this morning with the our doctor. I’vedilatedto 1cm. She was able to touch the baby’s head with her finger. Still no updates on when she thinks the baby will decide to make an appearance. She brought up stripping my membranes in an effort to keep me from going past my due date. Stripping membranes is a relatively simple procedure. This is when my doctor attempts to gently separate the amniotic sac from the uterus. The stripping, or sweeping as its sometimes called, will cause cramping, which can bring on contractions/labor. Mach and I both felt like we could wait for this procedure since I am only 38 weeks. We agreed that if I haven’t had any progress by the next appointment we would discuss doing this next week. Our doctor would rather do this procedure than have to induce me if I go too far past my due date. Although we area really against any intervention we also know that we do not want to be induced and if there is something we can do to prevent that, we will.

Guest Blogger: The Big Labinski

When I first found out we were pregnant, I expected life would change significantly. No more traveling, no more late nights at bars, and no more free time for ourselves. I believed that pregnancy, for me, would be a constant mish-mosh of trying to figure what to do in a situation with which I had no experience with. That, and running back and forth to the grocery store to pick up snacks for Jenn. But I was wrong and life pretty much continued as normal. The biggest stresses involved finding a new apartment, finding a doctor we liked, and figuring out the whole hospital thing in Manhattan (which I can tell you is much different from anywhere else in the country). The stresses have been minimal compared to the excitement, and I am overjoyed to meet CLL in a couple of weeks!

St. John – April 2012
Gravity Bar – Dublin August 2012

While you try to continue your normal life, however, your priorities begin to change. The feeling you get when you feel that first kick is unlike any other. I never thought that I’d prefer to talk to the baby instead of watching the football game – but it just happens. Getting a reaction from CLL when s/he hears your voice, is like a freaking MIRACLE. You feel like you just won the jackpot – and I guess, in a way, you have. Some things I’ve enjoyed over the past 9 months that I didn’t think would be that fun: 1) decorating the nursery, 2) buying awesome baby gear, and 3) learning about what actually happens to a woman when she’s pregnant – it doesn’t sound like fun but all the bio stuff is actually really interesting. I’ve also enjoyed documenting every minute of the experience with my camera (I think Jenn might be over me sticking the camera in her face but she’ll thank me later).

July 4th – Cape Cod
Cape Cod Summer 2012

During the first half of the pregnancy, my biggest anxiety was related to the hospital experience. I particularly don’t like hospitals and get hyper-sensitive when I have to make decisions about things I have limited knowledge about. You want your partner to have the best experience possible, resulting in added pressure on you. I think hospital anxiety is only natural, but in this instance, given that it’s our first child, it felt amplified. However, with 2 weeks to go, I can confidently say that I am ready. Much of this has to do with all the research that Jenn has done. She has read every book and researched every blog. We’ve also hired a doula, which I was against at first given the cost but now can safely say it was the best decision we’ve made. And all the support we’ve gotten from our friends and family makes me feel confident that everything will be OK. Thank you everyone!

I can’t wait to meet CLL! I leave you with a quick history of the last 9 1/2 months – enjoy! -Maciej

37 weeks=full term

Well-40 weeks will really be my “full term” but technically once you reach 37 weeks, if the baby were to be born it would no longer be considered premature.

I am jumping ahead with my post for this week because Mach is going to guest post! We thought it might be nice to get some male/husband/soon to be dadperspectiveon the past 9 months and 1 week 🙂

Baby Size: The baby is probably hovering around 8ish lbs, give or take. The doctor suspects s/he will be in the upper 8lb range and if I go all the way to my due date or past I could be in the 9lb range. The fruit comparison this week is a winter melon.

Fun Facts: CLL is getting ready for his/her first poop! The first dirty diaper will be filled with meconium. S/he is also getting better and better at practicing breathing as well as sucking, blinking and gripping.

How I’m Feeling: I had an amazing weekend away with some of my best girl friends. It was exactly what I needed before hunkering down to wait for this little babe to arrive. I am still having trouble sleeping, but at this point I know there is nothing I can do about it. I am looking at it as an opportunity to prepare my body to be waking up at all hours with the little babe!

We had a great meeting with our doula, Terry this week. We reviewed everything from how we are feeling to specific birth plans to what we can expect to encounter at our hospital during our stay. It was incredibly informative and great to talk through everything that I had been thinking about and talking about with Mach these past few months. We were able to come up with a small list of questions for us to ask our Doctor at this weeks appointment. I was excited to learn that I tested negative for Group B Strep, which means I have a bit more flexibility with when I need to come into the hospital after my water breaks and I won’t need antibiotics through my IV during delivery. My Doctor okay’d me to have a hep lock instead of an IV, I am allowed to haveintermittentmonitoring instead of continuous and she fully supports me moving into any position for pushing that helps the baby to come out! I had my second internal exam, which was not that pleasant and the Dr. said she could tell the Baby’s head has dropped down and I’m about 70% effaced. Nodilationyet, but the head dropping down is great news! Everything that is supposed to happen is actually happening!

Heading into the waiting game for a few more weeks!

Here are some photos from the great ladies weekend away (did I mention my friend Caitlyn brought her son, Quinn with her?!) We had loads of baby time with him, which was amazing!

36 weeks + lots of baby love

Baby Size: I’m guessing around 7lbs+? The fruit comparison this week is a honeydew melon!

Fun Facts: The baby’s kidneys and liver are in working order now. Circulation and immune system are also up and running!

How I’m Feeling: I’m feeling good! I have managed to get a sleeping pattern down a bit and adjusted to the big belly that just seems to be getting larger! We had a doctor’s appointment on Monday where I had my first internal exam! It wasn’t the most comfortable but I’d better get used to poking and prodding down there! She was able to tell me that my cervix is still closed but soft. She is thinking that the baby will most likely come closer to my due date rather than most first time Moms who go later. That being said, one never knows! We took a look at the baby again on the sonogram to check the positioning. S/he is in perfect position for delivery, which is great news since we already know we are dealing with a large babe! The concern with having a larger baby can sometimes be lack of amniotic fluid later in the pregnancy (usually due to gestational diabetes, which I don’t have), so it’s very important that I pay attention to the baby movements. I need to be feeling 10 movements every hour. If not, I need to call the Dr. When we checked the fluid levels on Monday, everything looked great!

We celebrated on Sunday at Shake Shack with friends. It was great to do a more casual baby celebration-I didn’t open any gifts and we just enjoyed some yummy food and good company! Thanks to my Mom and Dad for throwing us a 2nd amazing party! We did get a lot of fun gifts both on and off the registry and it was great to come home and spend time opening them with just Mach and myself.

I’m off for a gals getaway in Rhode Island this weekend. It will be a last hurrah of sorts because after this weekend I really can’t go anywhere else! The doctor wants me close so that if I do go into labor I can be within a reasonable distance from the hospital. Looking forward to some quality time with my besties in a beautiful place!

Some Shake Shack baby celebration photos:



35 Weeks

Baby Size: I am guessing the baby is probably somewhere in the upper 6lb range? Length wise 17.2-18.7″ long (again, I’d guess closer to the longer side) The fruit comparison the websites tell me is a coconut, although I think CLL might be bigger than that.

Fun Facts: The baby’s hearing is fully developed and s/he can hear and respond to high-pitched noises. If it’s a boy, all the parts are now there and fully developed!

How I’m Feeling: Tired! Sleeping is getting increasingly more difficult. I feel like a broken record when I say that but between the bathroom calls and bouts of insomnia, I am struggling! The only upside is that I’m definitely getting ready for the long nights with the baby. I don’t understand where the insomnia is coming from but I think I need to start keeping a little snack by the bed and maybe it will help me get back to sleep. I wake up to go to the bathroom and I just cannot go back to sleep. Very odd for me.

The past two evenings (around the same time) I’ve also begun to have cramping. It’s a new cramping in my lower pelvis that has a caught me off guard and made me a bit nervous. Enough so that I called my doula and doctor last night to check on them. They asked if there was any bleeding, etc…associated with it and I quickly told them no. The doctor on call wasn’t the most friendly and was quick to tell me that it’s normal and most likely my body “getting ready”. It makes sense, however, 35 weeks seems a touch early to be getting ready. I am planning on checking in with my doctor again this morning just to double-check with her. My next appointment isn’t until Monday so I want to make sure I speak to her before the weekend.

As promised, here are a couple of photos from the shower:

34 weeks and a baby shower!

Baby Size: So, we had a doctor’s appointment on Monday for my checkup and it was noted that during my 20 week sonogram the placenta was low-lying. They wanted me to get checked again to make sure it had moved. This is very normal and most of the time will have moved once pregnancy progresses. Mach and I went for our follow-up sonogram yesterday. It’s amazing how different it is to see the baby now. It’s so much bigger that you can’t even see the head/abdomen in the same shot. I don’t think I would’ve been able to tell the gender if it was staring me in the face! Anyways, the tech did all the measurements to give us the estimated size. We all know based on my weekly size predictions what I think the baby size should be. Well, turns out OUR baby is slightly larger. Or very much larger. At 34 weeks I thought the baby would be around 5lbs. CLL is measuring around 6 lbs 4 ounces! Even the tech said that we have a big baby in there. While I worried for a bit after the appointment, I believe this is okay and each baby is different. We will just have a big baby 🙂 So, I don’t think I can guesstimate the size anymore each week because I just don’t know. They say the fruit comparison this week is a butternut squash but I’d venture to say we are an oversized butternut squash! Note: the placenta did move and is in fine position now!

Fun Facts: CLL is listening and might even be able to recognize songs/music I am listening to now once s/he comes out! I better play more music! His/her finger and toe nails are now well-formed and may even grow up from the nail bed to reach the tip of the fingers and toes.

How I’m Feeling: I am feeling more tired today-sleeping is becoming more difficult as just when I seem to get comfortable I need to go to the bathroom! Then the process starts all over again. But, Mach is being a trooper and handling the snoogle taking over most of the bed (and probably me too). Everyone keeps saying-get your rest now…sleep lots now…well, that’s hard! Sleeping isn’t easy. Neither is relaxing on the couch…there aren’t too many positions to sit or lay down in that feel good. But, that’s okay…a nap or two will help!

This past week has been filled with lots of exciting baby related activities. On Sunday, my Mom hosted a shower for me in CT. It was so wonderful to see all my friends and family for some baby time. We had delicious food, decorated onesies and opened LOTS of amazing presents. I wasn’t even sure Mach and I would find places for everything. Luckily, with some organizing I was able to get a handle on everything. I will be bringing back the blankets and clothes this weekend since my Mom wanted to wash them all first.

Here are a few pictures from the shower-I will have more once Mach has time to upload the photos he took!





My friend Kendel included this cool necklace in the gift she got us. It’s by a company called Chew Beads. Not only is it a really cool looking necklace but it’s such an awesome idea. And appropriately enough-the style of the necklace she got me is the “Jane”. They are all named after streets in NYC. I happen to live on Jane Street!

Here are some updated pictures of the nursery (with the bunting flags my Mom gave me from the shower that match the nursery perfectly) and some of the closet with things getting organized!

Notice the adorable elephant lamp in the corner?! Obsessed! We will be putting a shelf up above the bed as well.


Sophie checking out the new stuff!

I am sure the diapering system and where things will end up being will shift once the baby arrives, but for now I just guessed where I’d want things to be!

The mamaroo rocker will have a new home somewhere in the living room, but for now it’s staying in the nursery. Here is a fun video Mach took after we set it up! Please ignore the chatter of my voice in the background 🙂

[wpvideo nCcPSU45]

We are off to take some maternity photos tonight-more just as a memory for us, but if we do get any we like I will be sure to share!